Volunteer Service Fee Guidelines
1 child = 25 hours or $250
2 children = 35 hours or $400
3 children = 40 hours or $450
Several ways to earn service hours are listed below:
★ Chair or Co-Chair a fundraising event - 25 hours (sign up with Kim Delano)
★ Volunteering for a fundraiser - 10 hours (sign up with Kim Delano)
★Class Liaison - 25 hours (responsible throughout the year for collecting money for your child’s class for donations, teachers gifts, etc.)
★ Chaperoning field trips - 1-4 hours ★ Volunteering at lunch - 1 hour (Monday-Friday from 11:30-12:35)
★ Reading to your child/children’s class - 1 hour
★Christmas calendars - 10 hours for every 10 calendars you sell
★ Any general help in the school throughout the school year (approved by Mrs. Burke, Ms. Tringale or Mrs. Delano)
★ Other family members can volunteer to go towards your hours.
A couple of examples of what does NOT count towards hours:
● Volunteering at the church does NOT count
● Donating to class baskets does NOT count
● Donations of gift cards, tickets, baskets, etc do NOT count
At the conclusion of the school year, if a family has completed the required number of service hours, a credit will be applied to next year’s volunteer service charge. If a family has NOT completed the required number of service hours, then a volunteer service fee charge will be added to the next year’s tuition account.
All parents must keep track of their own hours and email them to Kim Delano at kdelano@stbrendanschool.org for approval. Please submit immediately after each event.
All hours monitored by Kim Delano and overseen by Mrs. Burke and Ms. Tringale
**Any person who volunteers for any school event MUST submit a Cori and attend the Virtues training prior to volunteering at an event. NO EXCEPTIONS