Saint Brendan School 2024-2025 Family Handbook
Saint Brendan School believes in the educational value of a computer system and the Internet and recognizes their potential to support and enrich the curriculum and the student learning process. Our goal in providing a computer system and Internet access is to promote educational excellence by facilitating resource sharing, innovation and communication. Use of the computer system and the Internet is a privilege and access entails responsibility. Saint Brendan School cannot prevent the availability of all inappropriate material on the Internet. The use of the computer system and Internet is subject to this acceptable use agreement and all the rules, regulations and policies of Saint Brendan School. Saint Brendan School supports and respects each family’s rights to decide whether or not to apply for student computer system and Internet access.
Acceptable Use: The computer system and Internet access has been established for an educational purpose. The user understands and agrees to the following:
Behavior: The user is expected to follow the generally accepted rules of computer use/Internet etiquette. These rules include, but are not limited to, the following:
Services: Saint Brendan School makes no warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, with respect to the use of the computer system and/or Internet. Use of any information obtained through the use of the computer system and/or Internet is at the user’s own risk. Saint Brendan School does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy of information obtained through the Internet or for any damage a user may suffer as a result of use of the computer system and/or Internet, including but not limited to, loss of data or interruption of service. Saint Brendan School is not responsible for any financial obligations arising from the unauthorized use of the computer system and/or Internet.
Security: Security on any computer system is a high priority. If a user identifies a security problem, he/she shall notify the Media Center Specialist immediately, without discussing it or showing it to another person. Any user identified as a security risk will be subject to disciplinary action, up to, and, including expulsion.
Vandalism: Vandalism includes, but is not limited to, any attempt to harm or destroy the computer system, hardware, software, or data of Saint Brendan School, another user or of any other agency or network that is connected through the Internet. Vandalism will subject the user to disciplinary action, up to, and including expulsion, and may involve a referral to appropriate law enforcement agencies.
Password: If Saint Brendan School issues passwords, the user understands that the password chosen is for personal use only and shall not be shared with any person, except as directed by the school. The password may be changed at any time according to the needs of the school.
Monitoring: The computer system and all communications and information transmitted by, received from, or stored in the computer system, including e-mail, are the property of Saint Brendan School. User should not expect that his/her use of the computer system and Internet is private. User has no expectation of privacy in any use of the Internet or computer system. Saint Brendan School has the right, at any time, to access, monitor, and disclose any and all use of the computer system and Internet, including but not limited to, back-up files, e-mail messages and the transmission, receipt or storage of information in the computer as it deems necessary. Monitoring will be conducted to ensure system integrity and to ensure that all users are using the computer system and Internet responsibly and according to this acceptable use agreement. User acknowledges and expressly consents to school accessing, monitoring, and disclosing his/her use of the computer system and/or Internet at any time at the school’s discretion.
Termination: Saint Brendan School has the sole right at any time, with or without cause, to terminate or suspend any user’s access to, and use of, the computer system and/or Internet.
Responsibility: User understands that the computer system and Internet are to be used only for educational purposes. Any violation of the terms of this acceptable use agreement may result in loss of computer and Internet privileges, disciplinary action, up to, and, including expulsion, and appropriate legal action.
The Internet links computers around the world and provides access to a wide variety of information and resources. The law affecting the Internet is developing and changing daily. No acceptable use agreement could identify each and every inappropriate use of the computer system and/or Internet through school property. Saint Brendan School is the sole judge of whether the use of the computer system and/or Internet is consistent with this acceptable use agreement and its decision shall be final. If user is unaware whether use of the computer system and/or Internet is appropriate, user shall confer with the Media Center Specialist. Saint Brendan School reserves the right to modify this acceptable use agreement at any time in any manner.
We believe at Saint Brendan School that the early experimentation with tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs interferes with the specific goals and values of Catholic education and may lead to illness or chemical dependency. We have a responsibility not only to promote mature attitudes and values toward tobacco, alcohol and other drugs, but also to provide support and assistance to the children living in chemically dependent families. Our goal is to establish and maintain a healthy environment for all students. We feel that the collaboration of school, parish and community is essential for the realization of these goals.
Therefore, the possession, use, manufacture, sale or distribution of alcoholic beverages, controlled substances or tobacco by students in or at school-sponsored events is expressly forbidden. If any student is found taking, selling or possessing drugs/alcohol
on school property, that student is immediately suspended and parents and law enforcement will be contacted. The school reserves the right to search personal property and the person if there is probable or reasonable cause. The school reserves the right to seize any of the above substances.
I. Introduction
For purposes of this Plan, the following definitions shall apply:
“Alleged Aggressor or Alleged Bully”, means a student who allegedly engages in Bullying or Retaliation.
“Bullying” is the repeated use by one or more students of a written, verbal, or electronic expression, or a physical act or gesture, or any combination thereof, directed at a specific person that:
By way of example only, Bullying may involve, but is not limited to:
For the purpose of this Plan, whenever the term “Bullying” is used it is to denote either Bullying or Cyber-Bullying (as defined below).
“Cyber-Bullying” means Bullying through the use of technology or any electronic communication, which shall include, but shall not be limited to, any transfer of signs, signals, writing, images, sounds, data or intelligence of any nature transmitted in whole or in part by a:
Cyber-Bullying shall also include the creation of a web page or blog in which the creator assumes the identity of another person or knowingly impersonates another person as author of posted content or messages, if the creation or impersonation creates any of the conditions enumerated in the definition of Bullying.
Cyber-Bullying shall also include the distribution by electronic means of a communication to more than one person or the posting of material on an electronic medium that may be accessed by one or more persons, if the distribution or posting creates any of the conditions enumerated in the definition of Bullying.
“Hostile Environment” means a situation in which Bullying causes the School environment to be permeated with intimidation, ridicule or insult that is sufficiently severe or pervasive to alter the conditions of the student’s education.
“Retaliation” means any form of intimidation, reprisal, or harassment directed against a student who reports Bullying, provides information during an investigation of Bullying, or witnesses or has reliable information about Bullying.
“School Grounds” mean property on which a School building or facility is located or property that is owned, leased or used by a School for a School-sponsored activity, function, program, instruction or training.
“Staff” includes, but is not limited to, educators, faculty, administrators, counselors, School nurses, cafeteria workers, custodians, bus drivers, athletic coaches, advisors to extracurricular activities, support staff, and paraprofessionals.
“Student Bullied”, means a student against whom Bullying or Retaliation has allegedly been perpetrated.
III. Leadership
Leadership at all levels of the School community has played a critical role in developing and implementing this Plan in the context of other School efforts to promote a positive School climate. The Plan has been developed in consultation with the Pastor, School Staff, School volunteers, community representatives, local law enforcement agencies, students, parents, and guardians. Families of students currently attending the School were able to provide input on the Plan before the Plan was adopted by the School. We all have a primary role in teaching students to be civil to one another and promoting understanding of and respect for diversity and difference. The Principal and designated members of the Staff, working under the oversight of the Pastor, are collectively responsible for setting priorities and for staying up-to-date with current research on ways to prevent and effectively respond to Bullying. It is also the responsibility of the Principal and such designees to involve representatives from the greater School and local community in developing, implementing and periodically reviewing the Plan.
IV. Prohibition Against Bullying and Retaliation
Bullying is prohibited:
Bullying is also prohibited at a location, activity, function or program that is not School-related or through the use of technology or an electronic device that is not owned, leased or used by the School if the act or acts in question:
Retaliation against any person who reports Bullying or Retaliation provides information during an investigation of Bullying or Retaliation, or witnesses or has reliable information about Bullying or Retaliation is also prohibited.
V. Training and Professional Development
The requirements under Massachusetts General Laws, Ch. 71, § 37O, require annual Staff training regarding the Plan but DO NOT require non-public Schools, such as St. Brendan School, to provide ongoing professional development for all Staff, including, but not limited to, educators, administrators, counselors, School nurses, cafeteria workers, custodians, bus drivers, athletic coaches, advisors to extracurricular activities, and paraprofessionals. However, if the School determines that such professional development is desirable and capable of being delivered within the School’s budget, it will be offered.
A key aspect of promoting positive School climates is ensuring that the underlying emotional needs of those bullying and those being bullied, families, and others are addressed. Support and services necessary to meet the emotional needs of those bullying and those being bullied may be suggested and encouraged to parents and legal guardians.
VI. Policies and Procedures for Reporting and Responding to Bullying Retaliation
2. Taking Disciplinary Actions
If the Principal or designee decides that disciplinary action is appropriate, the disciplinary action will be determined on the basis of facts found by the Principal or designee, including the nature of the conduct, the age of the student(s) involved, and the need to balance accountability with the teaching of appropriate behavior. Discipline will be consistent with the Plan and with the School’s code of conduct.
Discipline procedures for students with disabilities may be governed by the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA), which should be read in cooperation with Massachusetts laws regarding student discipline.
If the Principal or designee determines that a student knowingly made a false allegation of Bullying or Retaliation, that student may be subject to disciplinary action.
3. Promoting Safety for the Bullied Student and Others
The Principal or designee will consider what adjustments, if any, are needed in the School environment to enhance the bullied student’s sense of safety and that of others as well.
Within a reasonable period of time following the determination and the ordering of remedial and/or disciplinary action, the Principal or designee will contact the students involved to determine whether there has been a recurrence of the prohibited conduct and whether additional supportive measures are needed. If so, the Principal or designee will work with appropriate School Staff to implement them immediately.
VII. Collaboration with Families
VIII. Relationship to Other Laws
Consistent with Massachusetts and federal laws, and the policies of the School, nothing in the Plan prevents the School from taking action to remediate discrimination or harassment based on a person’s membership in a legally protected category under local, Massachusetts, or federal law, or School policies.
In addition, nothing in the Plan is designed or intended to limit the authority of the School to take disciplinary action or other action under Mass. Gen. Laws. Ch. 71, Section 37O (d) (v), other applicable laws, or local School policies in response to violent, harmful, or disruptive behavior, regardless of whether the Plan covers the behavior.
In no event should the Plan be construed in any way so as to limit or modify the obligation of mandated reporters to timely make required so-called 51A Reports where appropriate.